Port: 7171 |
IP: Axera.pl |
1-50 - x400 50-150 - x200 150-200 - x100 200-300 - x30 300-400 - x8 400-600 - x4 600 + - x3 1-50 - x400 50-150 - x200 150-200 - 200-300 - 300-400 - 400-600 - 600 + - 1-50 - x400 50-150 - x200 150-200 - 200-300 - 300-400 - 400-600 - 600 + - 1-50 - x400 50-150 - x200 150-200 - 200-300 - 300-400 - 400-600 - 600 + - aktualny exp mozna zobaczyc uzywajac komendy !serverinfo the current exp can be seen using the command !serverinfo !cast on gives 10% bonus to the rates. |
Skills: x 100 Magic Level: x 20 Loot: x 3 Spawn: x 3 Houses: 500 lvl + PVP: 100 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minut lvl 50 at every next 50 lvl to max 500 lvl you get a certain quantity of crystal coins! For a lvl 50 lvl you get a backpack with a better eq! |
* Red skull length: 1 day o You will get red skull if you gain: + 25 unjustified kills per a day + 175 unjustified kills per a week + 700 unjustified kills per a month * Black skull length: 2 days o You will get black skull if you gain: + 50 unjustified kills per a day + 350 unjustified kills per a week + 1400 unjustified kills per a month |
!promotion = Purchase promotion !go = Change the outfit to everyone in the guild !all "text" = Message to all players in guilds !uptime = How much time server is online !frags = How much you have frags !spells = Checks your spells !soft = Reapair soft boots !fire = Reapair firewalker boots !serverinfo = Information about the server !bless = Purchase all blessings cost 5 crystal coins (up to 500 lvl blessy free) !bless on = Automatic purchase of all blessings cost 5 crystal coins (up to 500 lvl blessy is free) !aol = Purchase amulet of loss cost 1 crystal coins !aol on = Automatic purchase amulet of loss costs 1 crystal coins !rs = Removing red skull cost 10 points !bs = Remove the black skulla cost 20 points !backpack = Purchase backpack cost 20 gold coins !rope = Purchase rope cost 50 gold coins !shovel = Purchase shovel cost 50 gold coins !pick = Purchase pick cost 50 gold coins !scythe = Purchase scythe cost 50 gold coins !machete = Purchase machete cost 35 gold coins !fishing = Purchase fishing rod costs 150 gold coins !save = The form can be used once every 10 minutes !pz = Check how much time is left to the pz end !stats = Changes the display of mana and life into percentages !guildpoints = Automatic addition of guild points (Leader can use once every 12 hours) !cast on = Open you cast channel !cast off = Close you cast channel !!conjurer = Adding conjurer outfit !elementalist = Adding elementalist outfit !afflicted = Adding afflicted outfit !songoku = Adding songoku outfit !vegeta = Adding vegeta outfit !demon = Adding demon outfit !angelic = Adding angelic outfit !king = Adding king outfit for male and queen outfit for female !golden = Adding golden outfit !winged = Adding winged outfit !warrioron = Adding mount to warrior outfit !warrioroff = Remove mount on warrior outfit !assassinon = Adding mount to assassin outfit !assassinoff = Remove mount on assassin outfit !goldenon = Adding mount to golden outfit !goldenoff = Remove mount on golden outfit |
!buyhouse - You buy the cottage in front of the door you are standing in. Remember to have money in your backpack. !leavehouse - By typing this command you will leave the house where you stand if you are its owner. alana grav player name - This command sells the house to another player with a nick. Remember to put this command in your own house. Alana Sio "nick - Teleports a person with a nickname standing in the cabin outside. Aleta Sio - A list of people who may enter the cabin but can not open any door. Aleta Grav - A list of people who can open the door you are facing. Aleta Som - List of people who are co-owners of the cottage, that is, they can open all the doors and invite others to the cottage. |
!changesex = Change sex !money = Check how much money you have !notations = Information about the note !gethouse = Information about the owner house !afk on !afk off = Information is afk !raid nazwa raidu = Raid creation once in 6h |