Contentbox headline
20.09.2024 -
Added new monster Vampire Lord exp Vampire Lord is located in the Exp...
Added new monster Vampire Lord exp Vampire Lord is located in the Exp Room, items that drop from Vampire Lords can be seen in this screenshot.
29.08.2024 -
Good change in Rush Event, Defense the Base Event and Team Battle...
Good change in Rush Event, Defense the Base Event and Team Battle Event from today you can win super item vip coin!
24.08.2024 -
Added Revolut Payments where you can buy points using bank cards,...
Added Revolut Payments where you can buy points using bank cards, more information in the Revolut section.
25.06.2024 -
Added new monster Giant Rotworm, Giant Rotworm exp is located in the...
Added new monster Giant Rotworm, Giant Rotworm exp is located in the Exp Room and Vip Room, items that drop from Giant Rotworms can be seen in this screenshot.
21.04.2024 -
Added new boss Giant Super Dragon this extraordinary dragon can be...
Added new boss Giant Super Dragon this extraordinary dragon can be found from time to time near the depot of Giant Super Dragon various best items available on the server drop, in addition, the boss transforms players into items that fall from it, to all types of dragons and dragonos of similar monsters, each player taking part in the fight with the boss will randomly receive several levels when he is killed.
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Era Zero

1647 kills


332 kills


310 kills

Korek Pod Wejherowem

231 kills
03.07.2022 - New Update!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Hunting Grounds and Boss System.

Added Phenomenal Quest (lvl 600 +)

see the quest in all its glory.

presence of monsters on the quest

Ghastly Dragon, Ice Demon, Derorer, Demonic Master, Dark Toruner, Brightriker Master, Undead Drasterson, Death Dragon + Boss Durin.

Added Demon Helmet Continuation Quest (lvl 700 +)

presence of monsters on the quest

Demon Lord, Ziraptor.

Added Annihilator Hard Quest (lvl 900 +)

presence of monsters on the quest

Black Demon.

Added Labirynt Quest (lvl 1000 +)

presence of monsters on the quest

Deranox, Nigaron, Diblonik Masters, Wrinerans, Son of Verinos, Fury Masters, Brightriker Masterangers, Plaganes, Dark Tortur, Demonic Masterson, Lost Soulans, Super Fire Masters, Houndersano, Undead Uners, Bezeraker, Super Poi Master.

Added Champion Underworld Quest (lvl 1500 +)

presence of monsters on the quest

Mycid + Boss Bertilos.

Added new hunting grounds with new monsters.

Dines, Orc Gladiator, Sanger, Energy Master, Ringo, Undead Draxer, Galfactor, Golden Demon and raid with a new boss Gigantic.

Added Boss System, it is a system in which, for the appropriate amount of crystal coins, you get access to the best bosses on the server.

More information about this system can be found by clicking on the picture below:

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12.04.2021 - Axera OTS New Update!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Tasks, Exp and Paintball Event.

Added Amber Chamber Quest (lvl 400 +)

presence of monsters on the quest

Nightmare, Destroyer, Behemoth, Demon. Dark Torturer, Ghastly Dragon, Hellhound, Magnat, Golden Magnat, Zorobaster + Boss Amberos.

Added Pits of Inferno III Quest (lvl 400 +)

see the prize room.

presence of monsters on the quest

Derorer, Nightarex, Son of Varasteron, Phantosin, Sprissan, wrinterel, Plagunser, Diblonik, Lost Sinteron, Brightriker Master, Demonic Master, Dark Toruner, Furania, Fire Master, Houd handes, Undead Drasterson, handen of cursed fatenix, Blinx, Hell Poi Master.

Added Underground House Quest (lvl 550 +)

presence of monsters on the quest


Added Club Claw Quest (lvl 666 +)

presence of monsters on the quest


Added Annihilator Continuation Quest (lvl 750 +)

presence of monsters on the quest

Demon Master.

Added Lobotomy Quest (lvl 1444 +)

see the hidden invisible floor on the quest.

presence of monsters on the quest

Santic, Magneton, Blue Demon, Sonic, Levis, Nigaron Master, Plaganes Master, Fury Masterson, Demonic Mastersones, Dark Tortur Master, Hellhound Master, Undead Uner Master + Boss Lomber.

Added new Tasks with monsters Infernal Demon and Sorgatrezon after completing the tasks, you receive a boss Intelar and Bazir.

added new hunting grounds with monsters.

Hell Fighter, Destructor Pumpkin, Infernal Demon, Death Dragon, Underion, Dragonaur, Levis, Linders.

Added Paintball Event

More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:

In Exp Room and Quest Room, shortcuts have been added that allow you to move faster between rooms and added automatically at the entrance to each quest, an automatically displayed information about the name of the quest.

20.10.2019 - AXERA OTS NEW UPDATE!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Team Battle Event and Survival Arena.

Added Levitation Quest (lvl 666 +)

see the quest in all its glory.

the presence of monsters on the quest

Demonic Masters, Fire Masters, Santic, Houndersan, Undead Dragoners, Levis, Goldares + Boss Drazer.

Added Dementium Quest (lvl 1000 +)

see the quest in all its glory.

the presence of monsters on the quest

Ghastly Dragon, Nigaron Master, Deranox Master, Diblonik Masterson, Demonic Mastersones, Deranox Master, Hellhound Master + Boss Dementius.

Added Eternal Arena Quest (lvl 1100 +)

occurrence of monsters in the arena

Weranor, Drombar, Neparon, Lumber, Saberan, Mebirez, Gerbador, Ferber, Dethar, Demonder.

Added Lord of The Pharaohs Quest (lvl 1400 +)

the presence of monsters on the quest

Warlock, Devil Minion, Nightarex, Nigarex, Nigaron, Plaganes, Demonic Masterson, Fury Masters, Deranox Master, Undead Uners, Deranox Master, Houndersano, Bezeraker, Triper, Mycid + Boss Rahardes.

Added Survival Arenas

For more information about arenas, click on the image below:

Added Team Battle Event

You can find more information about this event by clicking on the image below:

14.06.2018 - New Quests Raids and Event!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests Raids and Waterstorm Event.

Added Secret of the King Quest (lvl 700 +)

occurrence of monsters on the quest

Warlock, Infernalist, Derorex, Nigarex, Diblonik Master, Plagoriners, Brightriker Masteranger, Wriners, Demonic Masters, Dark Toruneros, Handen of Cursed Master, Undead Dragoners, Beezer + Boss Goliathus.

Added Universe Quest (lvl 900 +)

see the quest in full splendor.

occurrence of monsters on the quest

Ice Demon, Ghastly Dragon, Ice Master, Levis, Undead Uner Master.

Added Secret Catacombs Quest (lvl 1200 +)

occurrence of monsters on the quest

Ghastly Dragon, Diblonik, Derorex, Plagunser, Demonic Master, Underion, Super Fire Masters, Norad, Brightriker Masterangers, Houndersano, Undead Uners, Hellhound Master, Bezeraker, Bezeraker Master + Boss Dementis.

Added New Raids with monsters

Ghoul, Beholder, Monkey, Undead Gladiator, Bog Raider, Derstroyer, Plaguesmith, Boss Galactus.

Added Waterstorm Event

More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:

04.07.2017 - New Update!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests and Energy Storm Event.

Added Pits of Inferno II Quest (lvl 300 +)

occurrence of monsters on the quest

Diblon, Deror, Nightar, Phantos, Spriss, Son of Varaster, Brightriker, Wrinter, Plaguns, Demonic, Furys, Dark Torun, Lost Sinter, Hellfire Master, handen of cursed fates, Hell handes, Undead Draster, Greex, Poi Master.

Added Tasman Island Quest (lvl 400 +)

occurrence of monsters on the quest

Mutated Bat, Mutated Human, Mutated Rat, Mutated Tiger, Werewolf, Hydra, Nightmare, Destroyer, Behemoth, Defiler, Demon, Dark Torturer, Hellspawn, Hellhound, Juggernaut, Golden Magnat, Blue Demon, Zorobaster + Boss Tasman.

Added Arathar Quest (lvl 900 +)

occurrence of monsters on the quest

The Count, Drozer, Ghastly Dragon, Diblonik Masterson, Nigaron Master, Deranox Master, Demonic Mastersones, Dark Tortur Master, Hellhound Master, Undead Uner Master.

Added Energy Storm Event.

You can find more information about this event by clicking on the following image:

See the full Energy Storm Event map.

11.07.2016 - New Quests, Tasks, Raids, Event!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Tasks, Raids and Ice Storm Event.

Added Mexcalibur Quest (lvl 444 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Mimic, Demon, Herazon, Zorobaster, Yavenger, Nerazin, Ziraptor, Derazon + Boss Exander.

Added Shield of Corruption Quest (lvl 600 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Ghastly Dragon, Poi Master, Golden Magnat, Magnum, Yavenger, Hell Poi Master, Goldares, Galfactor, Ziraptor + Boss Bombastic.

Added new Tasks with monsters

Quara Predator, Nightmare scion, War Golem, Werewolf, Devil Minion, Demolandes.

Added new Raids with monsters

Werewolf, War Golem, Brainiak, Letheus, Aquamentin, Dines, Deathes, Trinsein, Devil Minion, Ice Demon.

Added Ice Storm Event.

More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:

see the entire map Ice Storm Event.

21.01.2016 - New Update!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Exp and Characters Auctions.

Added Tasmania Quest (lvl 600 +)

the presence of monsters in the quest

Diabolic Imp, Destroyer, Behemoth, Plaguesmith, Hellspawn, Betrayed Wraith, Demon, Lost Soul, Dark Torturer, Grim Reaper, Hellfire Fighter, Hellhound, Undead Dragon, Raptor, Blue Demon, Sonic, Zorobaster + Boss Tauron.

Added Elementium Quest (lvl 700 +)

see the quest in full glory.

the presence of monsters in the quest

Braindeath, Nightmare Scion, Diabolic Imp, Nightmare, Serpent Spawn, Destroyer, Plaguesmith, Demon, Grim Reaper, Ghastly Dragon, Hellhound, Undead Dragon, Juggernaut, Black Devil, Poi Master, Levis, Yavenger + Boss Elementar.

Added Characters Auctions players can there
buy oraz sell characters for premium points.

added new hunting grounds with monsters.

Deathes, Raidens, Devil Minion, Demolandes, Derbit, Undead Tritonis.

04.11.2015 - Quests, Raids, Tasks, System, SpellsAuthor: Axera OTS

New Quests, Raids, Tasks, Upgrade System and New Spells.

Added Inferno Quest (lvl 666 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Hyrania, Samber, Raidens, Plantasmer, Mortifera Servant, Xerxes, Dines, Magnat, Deathes, Wingor, Sanger, Raptor, Plantas, Septor + Boss Dementor.

Added Devil Tower Quest (lvl 666 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Trinsein, Devil Minion, Blue Demon, Black Devil, Poi Master, Sonic, Ziraptor, Nemiroz, + Boss Devilers.

Added new Raids with monsters

Rotworm, Septor, Drozer, Plantasmer, Grimer.

Added new Tasks with monsters

Plantasmer, Underion, Drozer, Versus, Septor, Arbelos, Wingor, Grimer, Ziraptor.

For each profession added new spells

For Profession Knight added spell "Exori Smoke"
For Profession Paladin added spell "Exevo Fly"
For Profession Sorcerer added spell "Exevo Gran Mas Assassin"
For Profession Druid added spell "Exevo Gran Mas Ghost"

Added a new tab Upgrade System

For more information about the upgrade system can be found by clicking on the picture below:

09.08.2015 - AXERA OTS New Update!Author: AXERA OTS

New Quests, Raids, Tasks oraz PK SHOP.

Added Design Quest (lvl 400 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Banshee, Diabolic Imp, Destroyer, Phantasm, Plaguesmith, Demon, Blightwalker, Lost Soul, Grim Reaper, Hellfire Fighter, Hand of Cursed Fate, Undead Dragon, Juggernaut + Boss Designer.

Added Engine Quest (lvl 500 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Bringer, Wingor, Magneton, Samber, Sanger, Nertal, Nerazin, Sonic, Magnum, Poi Master, Zorobaster, Cartrezon, Yavenger, Ziraptor + Boss Craptor.

At Boss Roomie teleport return they were placed only at the end of the room's added there also new Raids with Bosses.

Fentazor, Razalez, Ramentar.

Added new Tasks with monsters

Human, Hellhound King, Cyrulik Warrior, Chuck Norris, Lizard Abomination.

exp renovated room and depot.

In sms shop added mount paw After its use for a specified amount of time obtained a mount!

Continuous killing other players, there is nothing to gain ceases to be profitable and for some people get bored because the time to change that arises PK Shop!

Kill the other players and earn points pk shop replace them on cc, frag removers and other items!

23.03.2015 - New Quests, Exp and Raids!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Exp and Raids.

Added Ruler of The Undead Quest (lvl 777 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Diblon, Diblonik, Deror, Diblonik Masters, Demonic, Dark Toruner, Demonic Master, Lost Linders, Dark Toruneros, Brightriker Masterangers, Undead Dragoners, Houndersan, Beezer + Boss Undero.

Added Imperial Quest (lvl 1000 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Plaguns, Golem, Plagunser, Furania, Magneton, Nertal, Blue Demon, Ice Master, Houndersan, Zorobaster, Poi Master, Cartrezon, Sorgatrezon, Galfactor, Ice Demon, Blinx, Ziraptor, Hell Poi Master, Linders + 4 Bossy Mitron, Gergez, Aroner, Hefardes.

added new hunting grounds with monsters.

Human, Hellhound King, Cyrulik Warrior, Chuck Norris, Lizard Abomination.

Added new Raids with monsters

Versus, Wingor, Xerxes, Golem, Gianters.

All quests that were teleport marked hunting grounds were transferred to teleport with the inscription quests, the quest room has been transformed.

22.02.2015 - Axera OTS New Update!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Raids and Exp.

Added Enigmatic Quest (lvl 500 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Nightstalker, Derorex, Gianters, Ghastly Dragon, Nigarex, Golden Magnat, Houndersan, Sonic, Undead Dragoners, Lost Linders, Rift Scythe, Dark Toruneros, Handen of cursed master, Demonic Masters, Undead Dragoners, Beezer + Boss Xarion.

Added Galactic Quest (lvl 666 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Magnat, Nertal, Magneton, Blue Demon, Yavenger, Magnum, Cartrezon, Sorgatrezon, Galfactor, Ziraptor + Boss Energizer.

Added Emporium Quest (lvl 1000 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Versus, Plantasmer, Drozer, Golem, Magnat, Ghastly Dragon, Septor, Golden Magnat, Underion, Yavenger, Magnum, Arbelos, Handen of Curded Masters, Ziraptor, Bezeraker + Boss Emperor.

Added new Raids with monsters

Goblin, Crystal Spider, Quara, Samber, Raidens, Magnat.

added new hunting grounds with monsters.

Morgaroth, Hellhound. Grim Reaper, Plaguesmith, Serpent Spawn, Behemoth, Hellspawn, Spectre, War Golem, Nightmare, Nightmare Scion, Werewolf.

on a quest with shields added Combined Shield Room.

23.10.2014 - New Quests, Swim Event and Exp!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Swim Event and Exp.

In todays update we introduced Swim Event.

More information about this event can be found by clicking on the picture below:

Added Underground Jungle Quest (lvl 300 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Gargoyle, Bog Raider, Giant Spider, Ancient Scarab, Defiler, Destroyer, Plaguesmith, Hellspawn, Dark Torturer + Boss Rahelion.

Added Energetic Quest (lvl 555 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Undead Dragon, Deathes, Blue Demon, Sonic, Yavenger, Norad, Entrez, Magneton, Morgades, Black Devil, Underion, Bringer, Poi Master + Boss Magnus.

Added Dungeon Quest (lvl 700 +)

the existence of monsters on the way to the quest.

Plaguesmith, Magneton, Lost Soulans, Undead Uners, Deranox, Handen of Coursed Masterson, Son of Verinoson, Bezeraker, Brightriker Masterangers, Plaguesmith, Blue Demon, Black Devil, Dark Tortur, Levis, Nigaron, Plaganes, Demonic Masterson , Hellhound Master, Plaganes Master, Bezeraker Master, Undead Uner Master + Boss Volderion.

added new hunting grounds with monsters.

Azerus. Golden Magnat, Black Devil, Levis.

in account management added the ability to hide outfit, equipment, hp and mana, last exp, skills, quests, death, frag. practically everything that appears on the search characters.

added with a bookmark Spells, Experience Table and flags w Statistics i leaves Online.

20.06.2014 - New Quests, Tasks, Raids and Exp!Author: Axera OTS

New Quests, Tasks, Raids, Exp and Top Quest Makers!.

Added Drahalas Quest (lvl 360 +)

Added Boots of Speed Quest (lvl 450 +)

Added Blue Ring Quest (lvl 500 +)

Added Hardcore Arena Quest (lvl 900 +)

to spawn bosses added new raidy of bosses

Phrodomo, Phrazer, Phantom, Apophis

Added new tasks with monsters

Medusa, Samber, Raidens, Magnat, Magnum, Mage of Destroyers.

In the city added new raids with monsters

Squirrel, Bear, Minotaur, Dwarf, Wyrm, Grim Reaper, Blue Demon.

added new hunting grounds with monsters

Samber, Xerxes, Hellspawn, Raidens, Wingor, Magnat, Santic, Magnum.

added a new bookmark Top Quest Makers!

added in-game display of how far who has completed quests (just do a look on the form).

now after searching for someone as you can see info about the house.

31.03.2014 - New Raids and Exp!Author: God Axera

New Raids and Exp.

added new exp with monsters

Nightmare, Yeti, Demon, Grim Reaper, Hellfire Fighter, Hellhound.

Added new raids with monsters

Wyvern, Worker Golem, Black Knight, Infernalist, Massive Fire Elemental, Undead Dragon.

22.01.2014 - AXERA OTS NEW UPDATE!Author: God Axera

New Quests, Raids, Tasks, Exp and Top Task Makers!

Mage Hat Quest (lvl 500 +)

incidence of monsters on the quest

Galfactory + boss Manger.

Military Arena Quest (lvl 500 +)

incidence of monsters in the arena

frider, blader, bevior, arad, brazer, heraz, bredberg, recaro, gladiatus, crezor.

Mighty Arena Quest (lvl 600 +)

incidence of monsters in the arena

avager, kraber, dekar, herez, slaimer, artera, drazger, pherazon, waterion, firazore.

Elitary Arena Quest (lvl 700 +)

incidence of monsters in the arena

warez, drakero, nagaro, laprizer, sweran, marezor, graber, falarez, deathber, the oberon.

Added new Raids with Bosses

Demontero, Ambarezon, Certion, Centurion.

Added new Tasks with monsters

Massive Water Elementals, Betrayed Wraiths, Blightwalkers, Hyranias, Zombies, Gianters, Blue Demons, Sonics.

Added new exp with monsters.

Hellspawn, Grim Reaper, Hyrania, Demon, Rift Scythe, Gianters, Blue Demon, Sonic, Ghazbaran, Galfactor.

Added a new bookmark Top Task Makers!

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