Run Event

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RUN Info
Run Event to event odbywajacy sie codziennie o godzinie 16.00. Pojawia sie wtedy nastepujaca wiadomosc:

Zapraszamy wszystkich do wziecia uzialu w run evencie! Event startuje za 3 minuty! Jesli jestes chetny do wziecia udzialu wpisz komende !run join.

Aby do niego przystapic nalezy uzyc komendy !run join (musisz byc w protection zone), gracz zostaje wtedy unieruchomiony az do wystartowania eventu.

Kazdy gracz wybierajacy sie na ten event powinien ustawic na hotkeyu czary exani tera , exani hur "up , exani hur "down oraz zakupic !scythe , !rope , !shovel.
Gracz ktory pierwszy znajdzie sie na mecie otrzyma losowy przedmiot:

Run Event This event takes place every day at 16.00. It appears then the following message:

We invite everyone to participate in the run event! Event starts for 3 minutes! If you are a willing to participate, type the command !run join

To accede to use the command!run join (You must be in the protection zone), the player is then immobilized until the boot event.

Each player going to an event that should be set on hotkeyu spells exani tera, exani hur "up, exani hur "down and buy it !scythe, !rope, !shovel.
The player who first find yourself at the finish line will receive random item:
Elite Draken Helmet You see a elite draken helmet (Arm:15, club fighting +10, sword fighting +10, axe fighting +10, protection holy +2%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins and knights. It weighs 26.00 oz.
Elite Draken Mail You see elite draken mail (Arm:20, club fighting +6, sword fighting +6, axe fighting +6, protection fire +7%). It can only be wielded properly by knights. It weighs 25.00 oz.
Spellbook of Lost Soul You see a spellbook of lost souls (Def:20, magic level +6). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 46.50 oz. It shows your spells and can also shield against attack when worn.
Magic Longsword You see a magic longsword (Atk:62, Def:40). It weighs 43.00 oz. It is the magic Cyclopmania Sword.
Bast Skirt You see a bast skirt (Arm:19, magic level +2, speed +15). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 10.00 oz.
Terror Eye:
  • HP: 100000
  • EXP: 10000
  • SPEED: 300
  • Nie ucieka
  • Trzyma dystan 3 sqm
  • Odporny: fire/earth
  • Wrazliwy: death/pchysical
  • Widzi niewidzialnych
  • HITY: upija

  • Gamemaster: może uruchomić event komendą !runstart
  • Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

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    1. MooreLevel: (2312)
    2. Mlody KlaksonLevel: (2147)
    3. Ninja VenezeLevel: (2146)
    4. Nieznany SprawcaLevel: (1997)
    5. PsychomodeLevel: (1807)
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