Real Map Ots New Start!

Nieaktywne gildie z mniejsza liczba czlonkow niz 1 beda automatycznie usuwane.

Inactive guilds, or guilds with less than 1 members will be automaticaly deleted.

Guild statistics are self-updated once per 1 days. Next update at 23 February 2025

Active Guilds on Axera OTS
Lp. Logo Guild Name Members Total Level Average Level
1. Mavi Cicekler 186136340
2. Holota 125457454
3. RELOAD 135427417
4. Patronity 174577269
5. Absurd 114040367
6. Rekrutacja Otwarta 62259376
7. GACA DAJ PKT 51967393
8. KKSRagorTG 111770160
9. Sexgroup 61635272
10. Na Spokojnie 41379344
11. SKULLZ 31013337
12. YAKUZA 746165
13. OTR 1323323
14. RPG 322274
15. GACA NIE DAWAJ PKT 1214214
16. Bamseligan 1204204
17. EnigmaTeam 1202202
18. Last Wind 181448
19. Bad Boys Forever 141128
20. LBCH 18989
21. Akademia 11888
22. TerrorSqwaad 6488
23. Liches of Archinare 6488
24. Madera 4328
26. Stara Gwardia 2168
27. Siedze a mowila ze ma 18lvl 188
28. Hannibal 188
29. ForySevenGang 188
31. aa Tibia Webiste aa 188
32. Blacha Berger 188

Before you can create guild you must login.
Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. DroidLevel: (701)
2. MainLevel: (604)
3. Mas Gran ComboLevel: (594)
4. LongLevel: (562)
5. Ahmet KillerLevel: (561)
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