Real Map Ots New Start!

20.10.2019 - AXERA OTS NEW UPDATE!

New Quests, Team Battle Event and Survival Arena.

Added Levitation Quest (lvl 666 +)

see the quest in all its glory.

the presence of monsters on the quest

Demonic Masters, Fire Masters, Santic, Houndersan, Undead Dragoners, Levis, Goldares + Boss Drazer.

Added Dementium Quest (lvl 1000 +)

see the quest in all its glory.

the presence of monsters on the quest

Ghastly Dragon, Nigaron Master, Deranox Master, Diblonik Masterson, Demonic Mastersones, Deranox Master, Hellhound Master + Boss Dementius.

Added Eternal Arena Quest (lvl 1100 +)

occurrence of monsters in the arena

Weranor, Drombar, Neparon, Lumber, Saberan, Mebirez, Gerbador, Ferber, Dethar, Demonder.

Added Lord of The Pharaohs Quest (lvl 1400 +)

the presence of monsters on the quest

Warlock, Devil Minion, Nightarex, Nigarex, Nigaron, Plaganes, Demonic Masterson, Fury Masters, Deranox Master, Undead Uners, Deranox Master, Houndersano, Bezeraker, Triper, Mycid + Boss Rahardes.

Added Survival Arenas

For more information about arenas, click on the image below:

Added Team Battle Event

You can find more information about this event by clicking on the image below:

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Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box

Players Online

1. DroidLevel: (698)
2. MainLevel: (615)
3. Mas Gran ComboLevel: (605)
4. ArthasLevel: (575)
5. EmperadorLevel: (563)
Paintball Event
Starts in 0h 0m!
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