Real Map Ots New Start!

3.12.2013 - Rime for Axera!

We announce another contest this time you have to rhyme.

The competition will be in trying to write your own poem / nursery rhyme about Axer Ots.


1. Character Name on the servo.

2. The line "Bla bla bla" min. 40 words.

3.Words must be oriented with respect to the server or the administration AXERA.PL

4.Words can not be offensive or in any way offend AXERA.PL or his Administration.

5. Do not copy anything from the internet (each line we will examine in person, and you know that this is not a problem in google).

1 st place 1500 premium points

2 st place 1000 premium points

3 st place 800 premium points

4 st place 500 premium points

5 st place 400 premium points.

The competition runs from today 03.12.2013 do 15.12.2013

His works can be sent to your e mail

Topics to be entitled [Axera Competition] otherwise your lines can be disqualified.

Good luck!

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